The Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer Review and Download

The Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer download promises to give you a ripped, shredded body with bulging muscles in just 9 weeks, sometimes less. Is this all a scam or will Kyle Leon's fitness and nutrition program really deliver awesome results in just a few short weeks?

The Zuzana "Bombshell Butt" Bodyweight Workout Routine

Zuzana Light from Bodyrock has incredible bodyweight workout routines. They're intense, cardio heavy, and perfect for losing weight.

4 Basic Strongman Exercises for Athletes

Strongman exercises are about using the entire body to pull of a task, and more importantly they're about innovation.

Crash Course for High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

The results from this type of workout are fat burning, extra glucose(sugar) metabolism, increased athleticism and conditioning.

Full Body 100 Rep Workout Routines

In this post we're going to take the 100 Rep Shocker Routine further so you get a concentrated, powerful full body workout routine that will boost your muscle mass and give you a more vascular, ripped appearance.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Get On Your Bike And Get Fit

Do you have a bike? Do you know where it is? If it's gathering dust in your garage, you're missing out on an incredible (and fun) workout opportunity. has a lot of information about that. See, bike workouts are easy to do, and best of all they're effective—someone of average build (around 150 lb) can burn over 450 calories with just an hour of light cycling. You'd have to run four and a half miles to hit that number on your feet.

If you're trying to lose weight, there are very few workouts that are as effective as a good cycling routine. Do laps around the block or drive out to a nearby trail—there are so many ways to make cycling interesting. It also targets different muscles, especially in your calves and thighs. I'm not saying you should stop running (or continue to not run); what I'm saying is that a combination of the two, on different days, targets nearly every muscle in your legs. That's the kind of workout most people pay big money for at the gym.

If you're not overly convinced of the benefits of riding a bike, take a look at They have tons of articles on biking that cover everything from the best places to go to what kind of bike to buy. It's a great place to start. Live your life! Get on a bike!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Importance Of Sports Training For High School Athletes

Doctors understand that the most important period in a person's growth cycle is the adolescent years. This is when you're molded into the person you grow up to be. So why isn't more emphasis put on training during the high school years?

High school athletes don't usually take their sports seriously. Unless they're on a fast-track to a career in their sport—whether it be football, basketball, baseball, or whatever—it's usually seen as a hobby, something to do with their friends after school.

But the truth is, local sports training can be a huge benefit for a high school student, not just physically, but mentally as well.

What do we know about exercise? It increases circulation, for one thing. Increased circulation has been linked to improved brain performance, which will help with the classroom as well as the field. Exercise is also a good way to push yourself and learn how to set goals—and how to achieve those goals. These are life skills that you can't learn anywhere else.

And even if a high school athlete is trying for the college team in the hopes of going pro, do you really trust the limited facilities offered by a high school? Local sports training is an extra boost that will help your son or daughter reach their full potential now, while they're still growing and learning.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

How Important Is It To Choose The Best Crossfit Shoes For Crossfit?

Do good crossfit shoes really make a difference? We all have our different opinions on what exercise gear is necessary, but I'm a firm believer that your shoes are just about the most important part of any workout—but especially crossfit. Everybody has a different foot structure, different posture, and different needs, so it really is important to find the best crossfit shoes to match your unique goals.

I'll explain why with a short story.

When I started doing crossfit about a year ago, the last thing on my mind was what kind of shoes I needed. I was pumped and ready to do my first WOD, so I just slipped on an old pair of running shoes and went straight into box jumps. Huge mistake. See, the shoes were about five years old, and had about as much grip as a pane of glass.

And to make matters worse, I wasn't at a gym, so I wasn't using anything fancy for the box—just a flat wooden box with no rubber grips on top. Long story short, when I hit the third jump, my feet slipped out from under me and I tumbled back and came about a whisker's breadth from slamming my head into the coffee table.

Maybe you're not as clumsy as me (in fact, probably not); but the thing about a crossfit WOD is you're constantly moving and putting a lot of strain on the contact between your feet and the floor—different angles, different stressors, different contact points (ball, heel, etc.). That means a lot of strain on your shoe, and you really need something that will hold up to the wear and tear, ESPECIALLY if you're being serious about your crossfit workouts.

So don't rush, do your research, and look for the very best shoes for crossfit for your workout. Hopefully you won't make the same mistake I did.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Truth About Fat Burning Foods Review- Fat Loss By Nick Pineault

This is a review of The Truth About Fat Burning Foods.

If you would like to visit the main website instead, click here.

The Truth About Fat Burning Foods by Nick Pineault is a set of PDF books that challenges the normal perspective of diet foods. 

Specifically, the books are geared towards losing weight using natural, organic foods that aren't filled with a lot of added chemicals and dangerous growth hormones.

There are a total of 7 books in the Fat Burning Foods set, each one specifically tailored towards a different type of food. They are:

-Protein, Fat, & Carbs

-Condiments, Snacks, & Seasonings


-Your Grocery Cart



-4 Step Diet Makeover

As you can tell just by looking at the titles of the books, this product really covers the entire range of options when it comes to eating healthy and losing weight. Those are all topics that we've worried about when trying to lose weight, and I know I've personally struggled with more than one of them.

So does the Truth About Fat Burning Foods do what it's supposed to do? Will it really help you shed pounds and create a physique you can be proud of? Or is it just another diet fad? Let's take a look.


The Truth About Fat Burning Foods Review- Just Another Diet Fad?

On the surface, the idea is pretty simple—watch what you eat and stick to healthy foods. But we all know that, and it's much easier said than done. Is that what Fat Burning Foods is all about?


The author of the book, Nick Pineault, is a nutrition scientist who has spent the better part of seven years looking at what makes us healthy and what makes us fat. Some of his findings are pretty surprising.

The truth is, most people are poisoning their bodies without realizing it.

For example, a typical "healthy" breakfast of orange juice, wheat bread, and margarine is NOT helping you lose weight!!

Why? Well, oranges themselves are very healthy, but when you take out all the fibers and pulp you're left with a fraction of the nutritional value. On top of that, even the brands of orange juice that claim to be extra healthy have most likely been sitting around for months.

Think about it—oranges don't grow all year round. Yet you can still get a carton of orange juice even in the middle of December. Why? When orange juice is made, it's vacuum sealed in enormous vats so that it stays "fresh." 

Once the orange growing season is finished, the company turns to its vacuum sealed stockpile to satisfy the year-round demand. What you're drinking isn't fresh, and in most cases has been treated with chemicals to make it last longer and taste better.

And then there's the wheat bread—wheat bread is healthier than white bread, there's no denying that. It's less processed, less refined, and filled with more macronutrients. But often, that's just surface appearances. Some brands don't do anything more than enrich white bread—they refine it all down, and then add more things to make it seem "healthier."

The Truth About Fat Burning Foods Review—What Do I Think?

The Truth About Fat Burning Foods is PACKED with information like this. It busts down the myths of health foods and rebuilds the facts to give you only the correct information about what you should be eating.

I wholly recommend this book, and if you're trying to lose weight, this is exactly what you need. Most people poison their bodies every day and don't even realize it. It's a scary thought, but it's true.

If you absolutely need to lose weight, FAST, you need to switch up your diet and use the Truth About Fat Burning Foods.


Monday, October 7, 2013

What Material Makes The Best Yoga Floor For Yoga Studios?

I've talked in the past about yoga and how a brief yoga routine is incredible for flexibility and muscle definition. Even if you're pumping hard iron, yoga gives your muscles the chance to move in positions you wouldn't normally get on a weight bench, which is a crucial step in recovery. And did I mention that it increases flexibility? Yoga offers incredibly variable exercises for athletes who need more than sheer muscle mass to perform.

But like I said, I've talked up the benefits of yoga plenty of times in the past, so this time I want to talk about material to use on a yoga floor. Despite what most people think, not just any material will do. Obviously hard, abrazive surfaces like concrete aren't ideal, but carpet and hardwood flooring can be just as bad. Ideally you want something soft, like foam matting, but which won't hold moisture (or odors).

Personally, I've seen a lot of yoga studios start to use PVC yoga flooring. Yep, PVC like pipes, but manufactured as a PVC foam, which gives it two important properties: It's soft (like a typical yoga mat) and it's non-toxic even at high temperatures (perfect for hot yoga studios). See, a lot of foam starts leaching chemicals once it passes a certain temperature threshhold, but PEM flooring is safe even up to 120 F, which makes it the perfect yoga floor for yoga studios.

 What yoga exercises have you been doing to increase flexibility? Let me know in the comments!