Thursday, August 23, 2012

Full Body 100 Rep Workout Routines

In a previous post we talked about the 100 rep shocker routine. That time we only talked about arm workouts. In this one we're going to take the concept higher so you get a concentrated, powerful full body workout routine that will boost your muscle mass and give you a more vascular, ripped appearance.

Here are the quick guidelines for the 100 rep workout routines one more time:

Do at least 40 reps, more if you can. Subtract that number from 100 and rest for that many seconds. (50 reps= a 50 second rest). Then do the same thing, adding your rep count to the first time.

That's it. It's intense, difficult, and it will make you feel like a beast at the end.

For the following full body workout, do each exercise as explained above, then rest 3 minutes before moving onto the next exercise.

Full Body 100 Rep Workout

leg press calf raise
cable tricep extension
hammer curls
dumbbell lateral raise
barbell shrugs
incline bench press
lat pull down
leg press


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