Wednesday, September 18, 2013

World's Hardest Exercises- Review For Everyone

This is such a great book. 

The World's Hardest Exercises is exactly what the title says it is: simply some of the hardest exercises in the world.

It's perfect for anyone who's hardcore about their workouts (like me). With that in mind, it's probably not the best workout routine for you if you're just starting out. There's nothing worse than overtraining before you're ready to ramp up the difficulty, and take it from me--if you watch something really cool, you're going to want to do it. At least that's the way I am. Like when I watch videos of Buddy Lee jump roping, and then I get all tangled up in the back yard thirty minutes later.

The World's Hardest Exercises isn't the longest book in the world, but honestly I prefer that in a workout program. I don't really care about the author's life story (in most cases; Tim Ferriss pulls that off pretty well), and what I really want is to just get right down to the workouts. If that's how you are, you'll be pretty comfortable with Hardest Exercises.

Check it out for more information.


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