Friday, August 23, 2013

Surfing, The Radical Alternative Workout

I think I just realized an all encompassing truth about life—it's impossible to be out of shape and be a surfer at the same time. Most athletes and people who participate in sports work out on the side to help improve their game performance, but very few people look at it from the opposite viewpoint: Why not play a sport as a form of exercise? Get some surf training and go for it. I mean, look at this guy: 

That's Andy Iron, a pro surfer. Now go look at any other surfer. I guarantee they're going to look just as healthy and ripped.

The biggest problem most people face with sticking to a workout plan is that, well, it can be boring. The point where you have to force yourself into the gym against your will is usually the point that you start thinking about giving up on your workout routine.

So here's a suggestion: Try making your workouts more fun. I lived in Costa Rica for a few years and my favorite thing to do was go surfing on the weekends. I never really thought about it as a workout, but at the end of the day I was just as sore as if I had spent the afternoon slamming kettlebells. And I eventually realized that I was working out. I was just having so much fun I didn't realize it.

And if you think that surfing is too hard, keep in mind that it only takes most people a single day to get the hang of it. It's even easier if you use a surf training program like Surf Coaches.


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