Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Type 2 Diabetes: Exercise and Actos Medication

Combining medication and exercise is never something you should do unless you talk to your doctor first – It's something I've always stood by when giving workout and exercise advice. You just don't want to take any chances with your health, and while exercise is an excellent way to deal with Type 2 diabetes (more on that in a second), there are certain medications that probably aren't the best choice to combine with exercise.

Actos Lawsuits Picking Up Steam

One of the more common drugs for Type 2 diabetes is Actos, which is manufactured by Takeda Pharmaceuticals. The main website for Actos states that this drug, when used with diet and exercise (so far so good), will allow the body to make better use of insulin and prevents the liver from pumping out excess sugar, which is one way a diabetic's blood sugar can spike dangerously.

It sounds pretty good, except for the small fact that Actos also comes with a warning from the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) that it may cause bladder cancer in some patients. I want to just go ahead and say that if you've been using Actos and have been diagnosed with bladder cancer, you can file an Actos lawsuit against the company.

Exercise and Type 2 Diabetes

It goes without saying that you should ever go off your medication without consulting your doctor, but you also shouldn't hesitate to ask about the benefits of adding some good, healthy exercise to your daily routine. Exercise has been proven to:

  • Burn excess fat, which improves the body's sensitivity to insulin
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Help the body use its own natural supply of insulin more effectively
  • Increase energy levels
  • Improve bone density

That's just a small number of the benefits you can get from exercise. Whether or not you're on medication for type 2 diabetes, you may be able to improve your quality of life with some good old fashioned exercise.


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