Friday, August 24, 2012

6 Week Home Exercise Routine for Stronger, Thicker Arms

The following 6 week program will work to give you stronger arms (focusing on triceps and biceps), and it does this by incrementally adding difficulty to the workout routine.

This is a beginner workout program that you should only perform on two days out of the week, and it's acceptable for both male and female bodybuilders.

Let's break it down quickly before we get started:

Week 1 and 2: Use a low/moderate weight and a low rep volume. This lets you ease into the twice weekly arm workout.

Week 3 and 4: We're increasing the weight up to moderate along with a moderate rep volume, increasing the intensity and set number.

Week 5 and 6: We're going up another notch to a more intense volume, but we're keeping the weight itself at a moderate level. It's going to be challenging!

After you get through the 6th week you can either take a week off from all arm exercises, or if you feel up to it you can go through again, starting with week 1 and using slightly more weight. Use a weight level that challenges you but isn't so heavy it prevents you from completing the sets.

Do this twice a week, but make sure there are two days of rest in between each lift day.

Week 1 and 2

First Day

Cable curl: 2 sets of 12
Dumbbell tricep kickback: 2 sets of 12

Second Day

Concentration curl: 2 sets of 12
Cable tricep extension: 2 sets of 12

Week 3 and 4

First Day

Seated dumbbell curl: 4 sets of 10
Skullcrusher: 4 sets of 10

Second Day

EZ bar preacher curl: 4 sets of 10
Seated French press: 4 sets of 10

Week 5 and 6

First Day

Barbell curl: 5 sets of 10
Tricep dips: 5 sets of 10

Second Day

Chin ups: 5 sets of 10
Close grip bench press: 5 sets of 10


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