Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Fast Exercise Routine For Weight Loss

Our exercise routine for weight loss is fast and easy, but most importantly, it's effective. The worst part of trying to get into a routine is to stick to it. 

It takes the brain 30 days for it to get used to a pattern and with that, we see a lot of avid weight loss fighters lose interest mid-way through. 

As we all know, consistency is important for exercise and weight loss, so in this article we're going to focus and keep you focused on keeping this workout pattern.

Although this has nothing to do with exercise, diet does help. I don't believe in dieting, I believe in good food practices. Using the same 30 day principle, it's easier to start a habit than to completely stop a bad habit. What you want to do is replace the bad food habit with a good food habit and keep at it for the next 30 days. 

Used to eating a bag of Cheetos at the end of the day or after a meal? Eat strawberries or an apple instead. Start small, increase it slowly, and you'll find yourself being a completely new and happier person because of it.

For our easy workout for the next 30 days. I want you to go run for 5 minutes, six times a day. Sometimes you're living in a country with poor weather conditions and can't go out for a run. That's okay, grab a skip rope and jump for 5 minutes. 

Don't own a skip rope? Jumping jacks. No excuses. Remind yourself, it's only 5 minutes. 

You can do it. 

Aim for half a mile to a mile in 5-8 minutes or 500-1000 skips or jumping jacks in 5-8 minutes. Believe me, all that cardio isn't going to waste, once your 30 day routine is up, check out the rest of the website for some muscle building ideas

Just remember...


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