Friday, April 15, 2011

Keg Toss - Strongman Exercises for Athletes

Keg Toss

Let's start with the basic overhead keg toss as our first exercise. As always, it's important to do a thorough warm-up first. The keg toss is absolutely perfect for for getting that EXPLOSIVE power in your hips and shoulders.Who would have thought you could get such raw, powerful strength without weights?

To do the keg toss, go into a squat with the keg resting on the ground in front of you. Grip it firmly on each side, and then launch yourself to a standing position using your thighs and gluts. Use your upper back muscles to gain leverage and LAUNCH the keg backwards over your head. It's like a two-arm kettlebell swing on steroids!

This is actually a variation of a competition that Vikings used to perform with a rock to determine who the “biggest man” was.

Where to Get a Keg

Where do you get a keg? Go to a nearby liquor store and just ask for one. Some places will give you one or two for free, while others will ask for a few bucks. In the end it shouldn't cost you more than twenty bucks for a great empty keg.

When you're training for your Strongman workouts with the keg toss, you can adjust the wight of the keg in increments by adding water to it. Here's a sample keg toss workout that you can do at home:

A) 2 tosses with an empty keg, resting one minute between each toss

B) 2 tosses with a half full keg, resting 30 seconds between each toss

  1. 2 tosses with a full keg, resting 15 seconds between each toss.

By the time you finish your last reps, your muscles will be BURNING. You should feel it in your forearms, triceps, biceps, shoulders, and thighs.

Are you strong enough to handle it?

Take a look at the Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer Download and Review I have on the site too. You won't be disappointed!


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