Saturday, April 16, 2011

Isometric Exercises - Do They Really Work?

I've always been interested in martial arts. As a kid, I would spend hours watching kung fu movies from the public library. They didn't even have to be good! I just loved all of them. I saw Enter the Dragon, my first Bruce Lee movie, when I was 8, and immediately went to beg my parents to put me into karate classes.

I eventually became a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, which focuses on standing strikes and sparring, and then when I moved to Costa Rica I started taking Krav Maga classes.

That's where I learned about isometrics.

A lot of people really question whether isometric exercises really work. They certainly don't look impressive...most of the time you can't even tell when someone is doing one (which of course makes them perfect for any situation).They're the ultimate Strongman exercise.

Any workout will show results over time, and the truth is, most workout routines use isometrics anyway. When you're bench pressing and you're pushing for that one last rep, you tense all of your muscles for a tiny little boost of extra strength to get the bar up. Now you can gain a huge amount of strength without weights.

That tensing is what isometrics is all about.

It's such an intense workout when done properly that you'll have a leaner, more toned appearance in just a few weeks. You'll be sweating after the first few minutes and about to collapse after 20 minutes.

The next day your muscles will feel like you ran a marathon barefoot while fighting a steroidal grizzly bear with a bent toothpick.

Nobody needs to define isometrics for you once you actually do it for the first time. This article is a great starter on isometric exercises for wimps. You'll learn where that explosive strength comes from or you'll die trying! (kidding...)

For more great workout routines, take a look at the Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer review.


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