Friday, November 25, 2011

6 Delicious Foods for Losing Weight

foods for losing weight

For people who want to lose weight, diets may sound like the best option. But think about it: what is a diet specifically? Is it a program that forces you to eat less than you normally would? Diet is the general term for anything that you put into your body. If you're eating fatty fried foods all day, that's your diet. The same thing goes when you eat healthy. It's your diet. So to lose weight, the best route is not to go with some fad “diet” that starves you, but to work on your overall food intake as a whole.

These are some of the best foods for losing weight, and best of all they actually taste good. All of these foods help you burn fat by boosting your metabolism. You may not have realized this, but eating can actually help you lose weight. When you stop eating, your metabolism slows down to preserve your energy levels. Constant, minimal snacking is the best way to keep your metabolism at its highest level, and these foods can help you do it.

#1 Food for Losing Weight- Eggs

eggs for losing weight

Want to lose weight and keep your cholesterol down? Eat eggs, and the whole egg, not just the whites. Most of the beneficial nutrients like protein, vitamin B, and vitamin D are in the yolk. Research has shown that eating eggs at breakfast can help you lose twice as much weight as avoiding them, and on top of that you'll also be full for longer and have higher energy levels.

#2 Food for Losing Weight- Yogurt

yogurt for losing weight

We all know that yogurt is one of the best foods for losing weight, but do you know why? First of all, yogurt is chock full of calcium, which keeps your body from feeling hungry. Research actually shows that your body stores less fat when you consume yogurt. Like eggs, yogurt is also full of protein, which will keep you full for longer and help maintain your blood sugar levels.

#3 Food for Losing Weight- Walnuts

walnuts for losing weight

It's time to go nuts about walnuts- these tasty little morsels are packed to their limit with monounsaturated fats, omega-3 fatty acids, and plenty of protein to go around. When you're hungry in between meals, reach for a bag of dry roasted walnuts to keep you satisfied. Just grab a handful and munch away to keep your hunger at bay.

#4 Food for Losing Weight- Coffee

coffee for losing weight

Yeah, yeah, caffeine does this, caffeine doesn't do that. Everybody has their opinion about caffeine these days, but research shows that black coffee (the kind that isn't full of sugar, cream, flavorings, and other Starbucks staples) is incredibly beneficial for weight loss. It will help you get that extra edge in your workouts, allowing you to burn more calories and catapult your metabolic rate. Additionally, you get the benefit of antioxidants with coffee, and some research even suggests that it could help prevent type 2 diabetes.

#5 Food for Losing Weight- Salmon

salmon for losing weight

Salmon is awesome. It gives you heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which promote weight loss as well as brain function, stamina, and focus. It also helps reduce inflammation throughout your body, and you would be surprised at how many people suffer from chronic inflammation on a daily basis. Go for wild salmon if you can.

#6 Food for Losing Weight- Buffalo

Buffalo for losing weight

What? But aren't they all gone and dead? Not at all. Buffalo and bison are some of the most healthful red meats out there, giving you fewer calories, cholesterol, and fat than traditional beef. Each serving gives you about 6g fat, 3g saturated fat, and 40 calories less than a serving of beef.

Losing weight doesn't have to be a day to day struggle to stay away from the “good” foods. These are 6 delicious foods for losing weight that will satisfy your taste buds as well as your stomach.


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