Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Smoking and Exercise: How Do They Really Stack?
Smoking and exercise. Exercise and smoking. The two mix together about as well as oil and water. Everybody always hears about the fact that smoking is bad for your health, but the reverse opinion is that if you already smoke, you can't exercise at all.
There are 45 million smokers in the US. In the world, it's estimated that about one in three adult males is a smoker. These statistics are startling for anyone, but only someone who's currently (or used to be) a smoker can really get an idea of what that means. The lethargy, the quick buzz followed by a craving for another smoke, the reduced lung capacity – all of these factors add up to one thing: Smokers don't want to exercise.
Now, here's the thing that a lot of health experts won't tell you: Whether or not you quit smoking, exercise is still going to help your body. It may cause you to smoke less, and in a lot of cases it will actually help you quit. But the bottom line is, you can smoke and exercise and be healthier in the end than if you just smoked and sat around all day.
I know this is a controversial topic, and some of the comments are going to talk about specifics, such as how you shouldn't smoke immediately after a workout because your breathing rate is increased and your lungs have expanded, allowing more tar and carbon monoxide into your blood stream. That is definitely a concern, and you should always talk to your doctor before starting any new form of exercise, but do you know what he's likely to say? Quit smoking, but go for it with the exercise.
If you DO want to quit (70% of American smokers say they want to), then exercise is one of the best things for you. A long term study in Taiwan looked at over 400,000 smokers over a period of 12 years. They conclusively found that people who exercised as little as 15 minutes per day were 55% more likely to quit smoking than smokers who didn't exercise.
If you really want to quit smoking, more power to you. Try working with a helpful community like beatingsmoking.com, and for the love of all that is holy, try a little exercise! There are plenty of exercise resources on this site to help you get into an routine.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Break Time in the Gym – Google's Augmented Reality Glasses
Okay, I know we usually talk about
muscle building techniques and stuff like that, but I wanted to share
this infographic really quickly. I've heard about the Google Glasses
before, and thought that they were pretty cool, but I just came
across this that explained a whole lot more about them. Aside from
making the jobs of pedophiles and stalkers a little easier, they seem
like they can be pretty useful in daily life.
I'm a sci-fi junkie, and these just
seem so futuristic. I mean seriously, “Augmented Reality Glasses.”
That just sounds like something from a Philip K. Dick story.
Apparently they can take photos at any time, give you weather
updates, and offer a small heads up display right across your field
of vision. This is seriously science fiction. A heads up display is
what the Master Chief has on his helmet in the year two-gazillion AD.
Think how easy it will be for a draconian government to keep tabs on
every single person alive. Think of all the pictures you could take
of your ex-girlfriend getting into her car after work. Think of the
absolute legal crap storm that's going to come from the fact that you
can literally take a picture of anyone's face without them knowing.
Am I getting one? You bet.