Thursday, August 1, 2013

Workout On YOUR Schedule With A Pay As You Go Gym

Let's talk about commitment.

My favorite kind of commitment is the kind I can avoid. I hate those two year contracts on cell phones; I try to pay with cash whenever possible to wiggle out of credit card bills; I cross the street when I see someone up ahead handing out flyers, that kind of thing. And one thing that's extra high on my list of "things to avoid at all times" is gym memberships.

Let me be a little more clear about that: I love gyms. I love the versatility you get with a facility filled with equipment that's there for the sole purpose of improving your body. What I hate is paying for a year in advance when I have no earthly clue if I'll be in the same area by this time next year. There are cheap gyms, sure, but most of them still have a contract.

Well it turns out I'm an idiot, because apparently there are gyms without a membership that let you pay as you go. There aren't a lot, but I personally think this concept is the best thing to happen to personal fitness since deodorant. In a pay as you go gym, you only pay for the time you're using the gym. If you can't make it for a week, you don't pay for that week.

So if you're like me and want to find a cheap gym that won't lock you down, check out something like the fantastic Kiss Gyms, in Milton Keynes. The price is right, they don't make you sign a contract, and they're open 24 hours a day. In my opinion, that's the perfect trifecta.

It's your body and your fitness goal—why should anyone else have control over it?


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