Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Get On Your Bike And Get Fit

Do you have a bike? Do you know where it is? If it's gathering dust in your garage, you're missing out on an incredible (and fun) workout opportunity. has a lot of information about that. See, bike workouts are easy to do, and best of all they're effective—someone of average build (around 150 lb) can burn over 450 calories with just an hour of light cycling. You'd have to run four and a half miles to hit that number on your feet.

If you're trying to lose weight, there are very few workouts that are as effective as a good cycling routine. Do laps around the block or drive out to a nearby trail—there are so many ways to make cycling interesting. It also targets different muscles, especially in your calves and thighs. I'm not saying you should stop running (or continue to not run); what I'm saying is that a combination of the two, on different days, targets nearly every muscle in your legs. That's the kind of workout most people pay big money for at the gym.

If you're not overly convinced of the benefits of riding a bike, take a look at They have tons of articles on biking that cover everything from the best places to go to what kind of bike to buy. It's a great place to start. Live your life! Get on a bike!


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