Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Top 10 Workouts for Muscle Mass- #6 Shoulder Press

Shoulder Press

This workout comes in a couple different names just like the chin up, but they're all talking about the same workout for muscle mass. One of the more common names these days in the military press, but again—they're the same thing!

No matter what it's called, the movement is still the same: You push a bar straight up over your head. I prefer using bars on this because it gives you a bi-lateral workout- weight on the way up, weight on the way down. Unilateral movements are fine too, but I don't see them as being quite as functional as a bi-lateral movement.

Now, for building mass, I prefer the seated shoulder press because it lets you concentrate more on your arms and less on your legs and balance. It is absolutely phenomenal for sheer bulk and shoulder strength.

Don't believe me, go give it a try for a few weeks and see how your shoulders are looking. I've got a few split workouts on this site that utilize the overhead shoulder press if you want a full routine.


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