Thursday, January 10, 2013

Top 10 Workouts for Muscle Mass- #1 Deadlifts


When somebody asks me what my favorite exercise for sheer, unadulterated bulk is, I always say deadlifts. I don't mean variations either, like the stiff leg deadlift. I mean the one where your knees are bent and you are ripping that weight straight off the floor, gravity be damned!

The next entry is about squats, which shouldn't surprise you as one of the best workouts for mass, but I wanted to list the deadlift first because I feel like fewer people try to use it in their workout routines. I'd very much like to raise awareness of this powerful workout in the bodybuilding community, because even though everybody knows about it, you just don't see it in gyms as much as you used to.

The deadlift is great because it gives you real core strength in addition to strengthening your arms, shoulder, and legs. It really hits your whole body in some way if you're doing it right.


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