Monday, January 14, 2013

Top 10 Workouts for Muscle Mass- #5 Chin Ups

Chin Ups

When you want a workout for muscle mass in the lats, you would be hard pressed to find something that can trump the basic chin up. You may call them pullups, pull ups, or whatever, but it's all the same thing- the bar doesn't move—YOU move.

Now, you may be thinking that the lat pull down is the exact same thing, and yes, the motion is quite similar. However, for whatever reason, chin ups seem to offer a more effective mass building routine than lat pull downs. There's some science behind it, but the important thing is that you are better off with a stationary pull up bar.

Here's another advantage- you probably won't have to compete with a lot of other people at the gym to use the chin up bar. Since most people are going to be sticking to either free weights or machines, there's not a whole lot of demand for this lonely little bar anymore.


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