Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Top 10 Workouts for Muscle Mass- #7 Bent Over Rows

Bent Over Rows

This is Nostalgia Avenue for me right now. Bent over rows are just one more of the dozens of workouts that aren't usually seen in gyms anymore, at least in my experience. These days we have row machines with pulleys, which I'll admit are much more practical, but back in the day this exercise was one of the only ways to get a good horizontal movement.

If you're stuck on using free weights like me or are trying to do these workouts for muscle mass in your home gym, all you need for the bent over row is a bar with weights. The best form is to bend your knees slightly and lean forward while keeping your back straight. Now pull the bar up towards your chest.

Think of it as sitting in a rowing machine, but flipping it up on its feet so you're actually standing up while doing the motion. Obviously this won't build as much mass as some of the other exercises on this list, but it's a fantastic variation that's going to do a lot of good for your back.


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