Saturday, October 27, 2012

The 7 Day ELITE Daily Exercise Routine- All 7 Days

If you were following two weeks ago you know that we've been going through an intensive cardio-based 7 day workout routine which is PERFECT for weight loss and cutting cycles.

For convenience, here are all 7 days in the same post. If there are enough requests I can also put this into a PDF for free download, so you can keep it right there on your computer or print it out. The exercise links point to another page on this site which explains that workout, along with a video to demonstrate proper form.

The 7 Day ELITE Daily Exercise Routine- All 7 Days

Due to popular request, many people have been asking for a daily exercise routine. Our routine goes as follows:

Monday: Lower Body
Tuesday: Upper Body
Wednesday: Core and Cardio
Thursday: Lower Body
Friday: Upper Body
Saturday: Core and Cardio
Sunday: Active Rest

We'll be using the Tabata system, so be sure to have your Tabata timer ready.

You can use a free online Tabata timer here.

Set your timer for 12 round of 50 seconds work and 10 seconds rest. One exercise is considered a round. Try and do as many reps as possible within 50 seconds. Complete each exercise three times to finish off the 12 rounds. 


Day 1 – Monday's daily exercise routine

Monday – Lower Body

This takes 12 minutes to complete, which is perfect for anybody with a busy schedule. Be sure to record how many reps you do and use it for next week to beat your personal best. If you find these too easy, you can add weights or add an extra four rounds. Stay tune for tomorrows daily exercise routine.


Day 2 – Tuesday's daily exercise routine

In today's daily exercise routine we will be working upper body. We are using the Tabata system, so be sure to have your timer ready for action.

The way our Tabata system works is that you set your timer for 50 seconds work and 10 seconds rest. You do as many reps as possible within those 50 seconds before switching to another exercise. Each exercise is considered 1 round. Today we'll be working with 12 rounds, which means it will take 12 minutes to complete four different exercises, three times through.

Tuesday - Upper Body

Remember to record your reps, so that you can use it next week to beat your personal best. In the beginning use a light weight, so you can gauge how much weight you should use for next week based on how you feel the next day.


Day 3 – Wednesday's daily exercise routine

I hope you're as excited as I am about today's daily exercise routine.

Wednesday: Core and Cardio

Set your timer for 10 minutes. Jump back and forth 50 times and then do 50 jumping jacks. That counts as one set. Do as many sets as possible within 10 minutes. It helps to have a line on your floor that you can jump over and back to help you get even jump lengths.

After those 10 minutes are up, now it's time for your core workout. Set your tabata timer for three rounds of 50 seconds work and 10 seconds rest. You're going to do one exercise today, mountain climbers, three times.

You should be in a pool of sweat by the time you're through. Not bad for it only being 13 minutes long. Now get out there and enjoy the rest of your day. You can also come back in the evening to do this exercise again as there's no limit to how many times you can do this routine.


Day 4 – Thursday's daily exercise routine

We're doing lower body for today's daily exercise routine. I hope you're ready. This exercise is going to be 12 minutes and again uses the Tabata system. Be sure to have your timers out and ready for this one. Also keep a notepad close by to record your reps as you go. Set your timer for 12 rounds of 50 seconds work and 10 seconds rest. Do each exercise three times.

Thursday: Lower Body

Those lunge taps are harrrrrddd! I know, but keep pushing it. Remember, you're doing this to stay fit, be healthy, and look absolutely banging by the end of the day. In the next couple of months when you look back at your score and see how much you've progressed, you're going to feel great and that's not even mentioning how amazing you'll look. Keep at it and be strong. It's only 12 minutes.


Day 5 – Friday's daily exercise routine

It's upper body time. It's almost the end of the week, but you're not there yet guys. Keep focus and you're almost home free. Remember to use light weights to get a better feel of what you're body is capable of. It can be tempting to rush through these exercises, but when dealing with weights, you want to really, really pay attention to form and not hurt yourself. Take it easy, you're not winning a race right now.

For this daily exercise routine, set your timer for 12 rounds of 50 seconds work and 10 seconds rest. You're going to repeat each exercise three times. You're going to feel tired, but remember to keep pushing it and to keep proper form. If you can only do one pull up by the time you're done, don't worry. One is better than none and you'll get better as time progresses. Keep motivated and stay strong.

Friday: Upper Body


Day 6 – Saturday's daily exercise routine

I don't know about you guys, but I love cardio. This time you guys get to pick on what you'd like to do today for your daily exercise routine. As it's a Saturday and most of you guys have it off. Some suggestions are go for a run for 30 minutes to an hour, go down to your local swimming pool and do some laps for an hour, find some stairs and run up them for an hour.

Saturday: Core and Cardio

Though, if you'd still like to keep things quick and simple, then set your timer for 15 minutes.
We're going to do 50 jump ropes and 50 bicycle crunches. This counts as one set. Do as many sets as possible within 15 minutes. You can do it!

Once you're done, congratulations! You've survived the week. We know you're sore and stiff, but don't worry. You're going to eventually stop noticing those aches and pains and become closer to your workout goals. We do have a special bonus for tomorrow, if you feel so inclined in trying it out. Other than that, enjoy the rest of your day and we'll see you on Monday. Remember to refer back to Monday's article and try and beat your personal best.


Day 7 – Sunday's daily exercise routine

Alright, I know we've worked you hard this week and you really do deserve a day off. This is why we're not going to do any tabata training, but some fun things that you should 'just be good at'. It'll ease you into and open you up to other workout possibilities that you might not have considered. For your daily exercise routine, you can pick one of the following to try and work yourself into. It does take time to do, be calm, be patient, and just work at it day by day. You can try one of these exercises every Sunday or you can also incorporate it into your after/pre workout or even before you go to bed/when you wake up.

Touch your Toes
Do the Splits
Do a Handstand

If you can do all of these, then congratulations, you're better off than I am at the moment.

Now take a look at the rest of our exercises for athletes and the Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer review.


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