Friday, April 15, 2011

Backwards Sled Drag - Strongman Exercises for Athletes

Backwards Sled Pull

For posterior chain strength, nothing beats a backwards sled pull. Use any heavy object; no need to dish out for a real sled. You can use your tractor tire from the tire flip exercise and a rope in a pinch. Face the sled, pick up the rope, and pull the thing backwards.

This Strongman exercise for athletes is going to pound your quads and lower back in a way that you've never experienced from all your time in the gym. This is real, functional strength that will give you mobility as well as power. All this strength without weights too!

The sled pull exercise should look like this:

2 sets of 50 yards with a minute of rest between each set.

If you combine all of the Strongman workouts, make this the last one- and believe me it's going to be BRUTAL...but you're going to gain massive, rapid strength in a short amount of time by doing it.

Strongman exercises are just as mental as they are physical. You need determination to pull these off- they're not for wimps.

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