Sunday, November 4, 2012

Beginner Workout Plans: Starter Tips Part 8

Tip: Supplements- Omega 3 Fish Oil

Finally, I want to talk about fish oil as the third essential supplement for a beginner bodybuilder. Omega 3, found in fish oil, is a long chain fatty acid that works to reduce inflammation in both the muscles and the joints of the body.

When you're working out, you are putting your body under tremendous stress – stress that it probably isn't used to. The delayed onset muscle soreness that you feel the day after a workout is caused in part by inflammation, so a daily regimen of fish oil will help offset some of that a bit. This is useful for all workout plans.

There's another benefit to fish oil that I want to cover- omega 3 acts on our muscles' receptor sites in a way that decreases insulin production, which allows our bodies to shed more fat and replenish more muscle glycogen. Essentially, what that means is that your body gets better at burning fat and building muscle.

Sounds good to me.


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