Friday, November 9, 2012

Resolve, Willpower and Determination - The keys to a successful weight loss routine

As with most diets people tend to get discouraged because they drop those 40 pounds in 4 weeks as the infomercials depict. A healthy weight and successful weight loss is approximately 3 pounds or less a week. Eating healthy proportioned meals and 30 minutes of exercise a day, can be all you need to lose weight. Here is a helpful guide to healthy proportional dieting. 

Cutting out sugary drinks and drinking water instead is a good way to lower your Calorie intake. The mathematical formula for losing weight is simple. Burn more calories than you consume. The following link can help you to determine how many calories you should consume to lose weight with your exercise level.
The following tells you how many calories you burn doing various daily and exercise tasks. 

A little bit of encouragement can improve your willpower to keep your diet on track. Everyone needs a pat on the back every once in a while to give you that extra ounce of determination. 

There is no better time to get a “pat on the back” than when you’re out of your comfort zone i.e. at the gym. Where some may be shy or afraid of who others view them. Building your self esteem and challenging yourself to improve can go a long way towards your ultimate goal.
Most people view their changing of habits as a negative thing, almost as if it pains them to do so, avoiding that trip to your favorite fast food joint can be painful too, albeit a essential necessity. 

Most berate themselves and expect nothing but perfection, no matter how much or how little progress is made. Celebrate those 3 pounds you lose. Instead of worrying about how far you are from you’re goal.If you are one of those that beat themselves up after not reaching a goal or mini-goal for a week, you shouldn't beat yourself up. 

Consider the following: If you tried to motivate an co-worker with ridicule, what kind of desire or motivation would result?
 Try to view your goals as possibilities, not absolution. Instead you should find ways to use everyday rewards to pat yourself on the back and give a word of encouragement. You should not focus on what you do wrong, focus on what you do right. Brutal honesty is often good for getting your butt moving. Maintaining a positive mental attitude is key for sustaining the resolve, willpower and determination needed to staying on a healthy diet and exercise routine.

The truth is almost any diet and exercise routine can help you lose weight, build muscle or even tone your body. The keys are Resolve, Willpower and Determination.


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