Tuesday, December 18, 2012

10 Super Healthy Foods- #6 Eggs

Eggs are sort of a catch 22- they're filled with protein and vitamins, but they can also contribute to raised cholesterol levels in the body if you eat too many of them. There's also the reputation that eggs have for being less healthy these days because of all the growth hormones fed to chickens in the majority of the chicken farms around the country.

These are all legitimate concerns, don't get me wrong. But do they outweigh all the benefits of eggs? I've found that the best eggs to get are the omega-3 eggs. These eggs come from chickens that have had extra omega-3 fatty acids added to their feed, which comes out in the formation of the eggs. It's been found that a single omega-3 enriched egg can have up to 150 mg of DHA, which is crucial for healthy brain function.

In the grocery store you can find omega-3 eggs because they will be labeled as such, usually right beside the regular eggs.

Now if you know somebody, I would always recommend getting fresh eggs right from the source. If you live out in the country that shouldn't be too hard, but I know a lot of people reading this are living in the city, so the omega-3 eggs are your next best shot.


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