Friday, December 7, 2012

The Health Benefits of Yohimbe HCL

Yohimbe is supposed to work by stimulating blood flow as a direct effect of the dilation of the blood vessels. Dilation means it makes them larger, allowing them to flow more easily to the extremities.

Most studies show that yohimbe is effective in about 40% of men as a cure for impotence because that blood vessel dilation we talked about lets more blood flow to the penis, and we all know what that means: Boner City.

At the core of everything though, yohimbe HCL is a stimulant which may have an effect on the central nervous system. Because of that, it's possible that yohimbe can be used as a weight loss aid, and there seems to be a lot of personally collected data that backs that up.

In the past, ephedra was commonly used for weight loss, but since it was banned in the country there haven't been a whole lot of substitutes.

Yohimbe HCL can also give you an energy boost during a workout. The blood vessel dilation allows more blood to flow to the muscles, leading to an increase in oxygen supply right when your burning, aching muscles need it most.

So who is it good for and how much should you take? Check back tomorrow!

If you missed the overview of yohimbe HCL, just click that link right there.


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