Thursday, December 27, 2012

A quick home exercise routine to get the blood flowing

You don't have to pay for an expensive gym membership to get the heart rate up. Having a good set of weights at home is always useful, but not absolutely necessary. If you're interested in saving money, but still want to get your sweat on then this is the perfect website for you.

A quick home exercise routine that takes literally 12 minutes to complete is the following:

You can use a free online Tabata timer here or buy one from amazon here.

Set your timer to 12 rounds of 50 seconds work and 10 seconds rest. Each individual exercise is considered one round. Try and do as many reps as possible within the 50 seconds. Remember to write down how many reps you did so you can look back on it and try to beat your previous score. Repeat each exercise three times to complete 12 rounds.

Jump Rope or Jumping Jacks
Push Ups
Ab Crunches

And you're done with today's absolutely free home exercise routine!


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