Monday, December 3, 2012

Natural Health Remedies- Black Seed Oil

black seed oil benefits
Here at Strongman, we're not just about ways to lose weight and build muscle (although we're mostly about those). Looking great in a swimsuit doesn't mean diddly unless your body is healthy in general. In the past we've looked at a few herbs that show promising health benefits above and beyond fitness, and right now we're going to take a brief look at black seed oil, otherwise known as black cumin oil.

Black seed comes with a whole laundry list of natural health benefits. Among many other benefits, black seed oil is:

  • Antibacterial
  • Antifungal
  • A diuretic (for decreased water retention – great for weight loss)
  • A digestive aid
  • Antioxidant
  • A powerful immunomodulator, which means that it modulates the immune system to bring it back into balance.

How does black seed oil do all this? As of this writing, researchers have discovered more than 100 different compounds contained in black cumin, which include nine amino acids, the range of omegas (3,6, and 9), selenium, zinc, and a couple dozen other vitamins that we need as part of our daily diets.

It's also been shown to be helpful in detoxing, which is the process of removing unwanted toxins from the body. All in all, it's a fantastic health food, and I think we're going to see a lot more about it in the mainstream before too long.


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