Thursday, December 6, 2012

Yohimbe HCL- What is It?

Yohimbe has gained a lot of attention over the past 30 years or so, first and foremost as a sex aid.

It's supposed to increase energy and stamina during those intimate hours, but it's also been getting some favorable attention as a natural supplement to help boost energy levels during workouts.

But we're getting hit over the head all the time with so called "natural supplements." Let's look at the science behind it.

Yohimbe HCL is the chemical which makes all this happen, and is derived directly from Yohimbe bark. The bark itself is native to West Africa, where the native tribes have used it for centuries to treat medical conditions, illnesses, and to provide energy.

Here in the U.S., yohimbe has been around since roughly 1980, and the FDA has approved it for treating symptoms of impotence and erectile dysfunction.

It's sold over the counter and you can get it at some health food stores, as well as online.

Check back tomorrow for the benefits of yohimbe HCL.


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