Saturday, January 12, 2013

Top 10 Workouts for Muscle Mass- #3 Bench Press

Bench Press

So far we've been talking about some pretty basic exercises, but I feel it's important to get those out of the way because I don't want any misconceptions about the basics. They're the most popular ones for the simple reason that really, they are the best. You can have as many variations as you want to target different muscle groups, but it all stems from the one basic workout.

So the bench press. There are a lot of people in the bodybuilding community right now who aren't on board with the idea of the bench press anymore. They say it's not functional. They say going full range is dangerous. For some people, this may be true. However, it still stands as one of the best workouts for muscle mass out there. As long as you are coupling it with other workouts (because why wouldn't you), there is absolutely nothing wrong with incorporating the bench press into your workout.

This is how weight lifters have been gaining strength for decades.


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