Friday, January 18, 2013

Top 10 Workouts for Muscle Mass- #9 Bicep Curl

Bicep Curl

If you're just doing dips, you're going to develop a lot of mass in your biceps, but it helps to even that out a little bit. For that, the bicep curl is one of your best bets. This builds up your biceps, yes, but it also works a lot on your forearms, which you don't get as much of with dips.

There are a lot of different ways to do bicep curls, but my favorite is the standing bicep curl with a barbell. Dumbbells can be used too for alternating reps, but for simplicity I usually stick to a barbell. I use a medium grip with my palms facing upward.

There isn't really a whole lot that I can say about this workout for muscle mass that you won't already know, just try to go for a full range of motion without bringing your arms down completely straight. Try to keep an angle in your elbows at all times. 


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