Sunday, September 9, 2012

Are You "Going Through the Motions" in Your Home Exercise Routine?

There's a huge connection between performance and form that a lot of people don't realize. If your form is off, you're never going to hit max performance levels and your gains are going to suffer as a result.

Think about it this way: we've all heard the phrase "just go through the motion." This is something gym rats say to other gym rats who are having trouble completing their sets. It's a phrase that means "turn your mind off and just let your body do the work."

That's not the way workouts should be. It doesn't matter whether you're talking about a home exercise routine or a routine at the gym, your concentration on what you're doing leads to better form, and that in turn leads to better performance. Instead of just "going through the motions," try to "think your way through the motions."

As an example of this, think of what your muscles are doing when you do a bench press. What is your bicep doing? Hold up your arm and contract your bicep as hard as you can, as if you were flexing. That's what you should be doing each time you perform a rep.


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