Friday, September 28, 2012

Beginner Workout Plans: Common Mistakes Part 4

Mistake: Choosing the wrong workout program

Here's a common myth that circulates around the beginner bodybuilding crowd, and it's the same reason people make a killing selling the "secrets" to celebrity workouts.

If you want to look like somebody, you should train like them, right?

Absolutely not!

Everybody's body is different, and what works for some people won't necessarily work for other people. I know in the last entry to this series I gave a quote from Chris Hemsworth when he talked about his workout plans, but that was for comparison saying you need to get plenty of rest. I didn't say he rested 15 hours a day, so you have to do the same.

This mentality also fosters the idea that if you simply go through a certain regimen, you'll look beautiful and ripped forever. These people go through multiple different phases and workout routines to get where they are today, sometimes over the course of years.

Don't limit yourself to one routine because it made someone else look good. Try out several and see what feels right for you and your body.


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