Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Beginner Workout Plans: Common Mistakes Part 2

Mistake: Thinking you know everything

I don't know you.

I don't know what you like and dislike, I don't know your background or anything about you.

But I do know one thing: You don't know everything about bodybuilding. I don't know everything about it, and the guy who's been lifting for 50 years doesn't know everything about it.

At the beginning, you're going to be incredibly naive, and having the attitude that you already know the ins and outs of all the workout plans is just going to make it all worse.

And don't expect everybody else to know everything either. You will see magazine writers and authors of fitness ebooks who claim to know everything there is to know about bodybuilding. But they don't. You're going to have every supplement ever invented shoved down your throat, but they're not going to magically turn you into superman. Only your own hard work and commitment to the program will do that.

Even these simple workout routines that advertise something crazy like 30 lbs of muscle in 30 days, most of the time that won't happen either. Keep your head on your shoulders and don't buy into all the glorious hype that seems to get drawn to bodybuilding like a magnet.


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