Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Most Common Diet Mistakes During an Intense Workout Routine- Part 1

Mistake: Trying to get there too fast.

You know the "there" I'm talking about. "There" is a ripped, perfect physique from head to toe, looking like the role model Arnold based HIS workout routine on. If you push for it too fast, you're going to have a harder time getting there. Trust me.

For starters, your goal should be eating 6 meals per day. But what nobody tells you is that you can't just jump straight into that like the first time you went to the beach. If you go from a typical 3 meal per day regimen up to a 6 or 7 meal per day regimen, you'll be spending most of your workout routine squatting over the toilet.

My advice is to ease your way up to it. You'll get there before long, just don't be too impatient with the whole thing.

And trust me, I went through the exact same thing myself. Not only are you basically doubling your meals, but you're probably going to be eating more at each one than you were when you were only eating 3 meals per day. So, yeah. It's a lot to get used to.


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