Sunday, December 23, 2012

10 Super Healthy Foods- #10 Cottage Cheese

If you've been following this list of the 10 best healthy foods, you probably realize that the foods just keep getting worse and worse. Me personally, I like everything else on here (yes, even the kimchee), but cottage cheese is pretty low on my list of go-to snacks when I need a nutrient boost.

But it shouldn't be, and here's why: Cottage cheese is awesome, especially cottage cheese with live cultures. Let me explain what that means.

You see, cottage cheese is actually a byproduct of cheese- it's the curd produced when cheese is made. However, it's extremely high in casein, which we've talked about on here before as one of the best protein supplements for bodybuilders.

Additionally cottage cheese contains live bacteria cultures that help promote good digestion. These cultures can also help prevent colon cancer from forming.

One thing that you do have to be careful about with cottage cheese is the lactose content. It has less than regular cheese or milk, but it can still be a concern if you're lactose intolerant. If that's not an issue that affects you, give it a try! It's definitely worth it, despite the texture.

Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer


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