Saturday, December 15, 2012

10 Super Healthy Foods- #3 Kimchee

This dish from Korea is mostly made up of fermented cabbage. Sounds pretty tasty, eh? Yeah, I didn't think so. However, I'm pretty sure you'll be surprised once you try it. It's actually a lot better than it sounds.

So why would anybody want to eat a bowl full of fermented vegetables? The main benefit of kimchee is that it's full of probiotics, which come about as a side effect of the fermentation process. One of those probiotics is a bacteria called lactobacilli, which is the reason yogurt is considered so healthy.

Probiotics like this have a strong effect on digestion, making the process more efficient. A study done by the Ajou University School of Medicine came to the conclusion that eating kimchee every day can lower body fat and produce more regulated insulin levels. If you don't know, diabetics don't have enough insulin in their bloodstream, which is why they need regular injections to keep going.

Where can you find kimchee? Check out a local Asian grocery store (or just the Asian section of Wal-Mart). Alternatively, you could just make it yourself. It tastes great in stir fry.


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