Sunday, December 9, 2012

Potential Side Effects of Yohimbe HCL

Look, yohimbe is a stimulant. There are always going to be side effects in people with unhealthy hearts. At no point during the last 4 posts have I claimed to be a doctor, and you should always check with yours before starting something new.

Serious side effects with yohimbe HCL are pretty rare, but they can happen. Some side effects include throat constriction, breathing problems, allergic hives, and irregular heartbeat. If you experience any of these when taking yohimbe you should call the doc immediately.

Less serious but slightly more common side effects of yohimbe can also occur, which are concurrent with most stimulants. These include irritability, skin flushing, headaches, anxiety, dizziness, and the general feeling that dude, you're jacked up. Of course you are.

Finally, I have to mention that in large doses, yohimbe can be mildly hallucinogenic.

So there it is. I've tried yohimbe HCL and I found it to be pretty consistent with ephedrine, from back in the day. It gives you a strong energy boost, clear mental focus, and the ability to just get out there and get stuff done!

If you missed the benefits of yohimbe HCL, go to that page and take a look.


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