Monday, September 24, 2012

Beginner Workout Plans: Getting Started

If you're just getting interested in workout out and fitness then this next series of blog posts will be one of the best things you could possibly read. I'll have a new one up every day, so check back for all the beginner mistakes and then 8 workout tips to help you get off on the right foot.

I started out in fitness like just about everybody else these days: I sat at home and Googled all the information I wanted to know, and then started working on it. It's amazing that we're able to do that now, unlike in the past when you had to go see a trainer or have a bodybuilder buddy to learn anything useful. I still recommend having bodybuilder friends, but you don't need a personal trainer to see amazing results.

For the next few posts I'm going to cover some of the most common mistakes that I see in beginner workout plans. Check back tomorrow for the first one, and we'll take it from there. If you haven't yet, you can subscribe for free using the button on the top right of the page, and I'll even send you a free workout ebook that you can incorporate into your routine.


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