Friday, September 14, 2012

CrossFit Workouts- High Intensity, High Reward

We talk a lot about high intensity workouts here on the blog, but so far we haven't even mentioned one of the most effective high intensity routines we know about- CrossFit training.

CrossFit is about building strength, but it also has a strong foundation in full body conditioning, especially the formation of functional muscle mass. You see, bodybuilding is excellent for putting on mass and looking good, but it lacks the inherent range of motion and general physical fitness that we need in daily life.

In places where this type of training is trending, like Syracuse, CrossFit combines a range of activities over a short period of time. A single routine might consist of workouts involving bodyweight exercises, rowing, sprinting, rope climbing, kettlebells, chin ups, and high rep weight lifting to keep your heart rate up while simultaneously maxing out multiple muscle groups. All of this may be done in a one hour session (or less), which is absolutely perfect for anybody with a busy schedule.

What are a few of the main benefits of CrossFit training?

Aerobic conditioning- A lower resting heart rate and higher respiratory stamina mean you can work out longer without that "about to collapse" feeling.

Muscle strength- Focus your training on the muscles that matter. CrossFit helps you sprint longer, lift more, and push harder than just about any other routine.

Weight loss- You know it. A long period of any intense activity will boost your metabolism and allow you to burn through more calories.

Do yourself a favor and look into CrossFit Syracuse if you want to maximize your training.


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