Sunday, September 2, 2012

Exercise Routines for Weight Loss- Weights and Cardio

This quick daily workout routine is excellent for both men's and women's weight loss. It's fast, intense, and effective, allowing you to lose weight while still maintaining superior tone in your muscles.

One of the best features of this workout is that it gives you some variety to the normal, boring cardio routine. Also, in a pinch, you can sort of combine your cardio and weight lifting on days when you're in a rush. It works so well because of the fact that it keeps your heart rate boosted during the weight portion of your workout. A lot of people start out with cardio then slow it down for weights, which brings their heart rate back to rest, slowing down your calorie burn.

Start by warming up with a brisk 5 minute walk to get your heart rate up.

Move into a medium pace run on a treadmill (track if weights are nearby) for 1:30 minutes.

Switch gears into a full sprint for 30 seconds.

Hit the weights!

Bench press: 1 set of 12
Pull ups: 1 set of 12
Bodyweight squats: 1 set of 20

Back to the treadmill at medium pace for 1:30
Sprint 30 seconds


Power clean and press: 1 set of 10
Stiff leg deadlift: 1 set of 10
Push ups: 1 set of 10

Onto the treadmill again for 1:30
Sprint 30 seconds


Bent over row: 1 set of 12
Walking lunge: 1 set of 12
Military press: 1 set of 12
Barbell curl: 1 set of 12

Another 1:30 at a medium pace on the treadmill
Sprint 30 seconds

Cool down walk for 5 minutes

This weight loss workout is fantastic because it combines cardio, weights, and bodyweight exercises to help you burn calories and maintain lean muscle mass.


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