Tuesday, February 5, 2013

How To Get Into A Regular Exercise Routine

Anyone who has ever tried to get fit and healthy knows how hard it is to get into a regular exercise routine. An exercise routine takes time to develop and you have to keep at it if you really want it to stick. Keep in mind that it takes the brain 30 days for it to understand a new pattern. After that 30 day mark, you'll basically home free.

The best way to have your exercise routine stick is to make it easy for you at first. Try working out 15 minutes every day at the same time in the morning. Try to workout right after you've finished a usual task, like brushing your teeth or feeding your dog. As you keep this pattern consistent and short, it will become just another task that you have to get through and you won't be struggling for motivation every single day. 

Here's a great home fitness routine that you can get into each day:


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