The Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer Review and Download

The Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer download promises to give you a ripped, shredded body with bulging muscles in just 9 weeks, sometimes less. Is this all a scam or will Kyle Leon's fitness and nutrition program really deliver awesome results in just a few short weeks?

The Zuzana "Bombshell Butt" Bodyweight Workout Routine

Zuzana Light from Bodyrock has incredible bodyweight workout routines. They're intense, cardio heavy, and perfect for losing weight.

4 Basic Strongman Exercises for Athletes

Strongman exercises are about using the entire body to pull of a task, and more importantly they're about innovation.

Crash Course for High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

The results from this type of workout are fat burning, extra glucose(sugar) metabolism, increased athleticism and conditioning.

Full Body 100 Rep Workout Routines

In this post we're going to take the 100 Rep Shocker Routine further so you get a concentrated, powerful full body workout routine that will boost your muscle mass and give you a more vascular, ripped appearance.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Get On Your Bike And Get Fit

Do you have a bike? Do you know where it is? If it's gathering dust in your garage, you're missing out on an incredible (and fun) workout opportunity. has a lot of information about that. See, bike workouts are easy to do, and best of all they're effective—someone of average build (around 150 lb) can burn over 450 calories with just an hour of light cycling. You'd have to run four and a half miles to hit that number on your feet.

If you're trying to lose weight, there are very few workouts that are as effective as a good cycling routine. Do laps around the block or drive out to a nearby trail—there are so many ways to make cycling interesting. It also targets different muscles, especially in your calves and thighs. I'm not saying you should stop running (or continue to not run); what I'm saying is that a combination of the two, on different days, targets nearly every muscle in your legs. That's the kind of workout most people pay big money for at the gym.

If you're not overly convinced of the benefits of riding a bike, take a look at They have tons of articles on biking that cover everything from the best places to go to what kind of bike to buy. It's a great place to start. Live your life! Get on a bike!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Importance Of Sports Training For High School Athletes

Doctors understand that the most important period in a person's growth cycle is the adolescent years. This is when you're molded into the person you grow up to be. So why isn't more emphasis put on training during the high school years?

High school athletes don't usually take their sports seriously. Unless they're on a fast-track to a career in their sport—whether it be football, basketball, baseball, or whatever—it's usually seen as a hobby, something to do with their friends after school.

But the truth is, local sports training can be a huge benefit for a high school student, not just physically, but mentally as well.

What do we know about exercise? It increases circulation, for one thing. Increased circulation has been linked to improved brain performance, which will help with the classroom as well as the field. Exercise is also a good way to push yourself and learn how to set goals—and how to achieve those goals. These are life skills that you can't learn anywhere else.

And even if a high school athlete is trying for the college team in the hopes of going pro, do you really trust the limited facilities offered by a high school? Local sports training is an extra boost that will help your son or daughter reach their full potential now, while they're still growing and learning.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

How Important Is It To Choose The Best Crossfit Shoes For Crossfit?

Do good crossfit shoes really make a difference? We all have our different opinions on what exercise gear is necessary, but I'm a firm believer that your shoes are just about the most important part of any workout—but especially crossfit. Everybody has a different foot structure, different posture, and different needs, so it really is important to find the best crossfit shoes to match your unique goals.

I'll explain why with a short story.

When I started doing crossfit about a year ago, the last thing on my mind was what kind of shoes I needed. I was pumped and ready to do my first WOD, so I just slipped on an old pair of running shoes and went straight into box jumps. Huge mistake. See, the shoes were about five years old, and had about as much grip as a pane of glass.

And to make matters worse, I wasn't at a gym, so I wasn't using anything fancy for the box—just a flat wooden box with no rubber grips on top. Long story short, when I hit the third jump, my feet slipped out from under me and I tumbled back and came about a whisker's breadth from slamming my head into the coffee table.

Maybe you're not as clumsy as me (in fact, probably not); but the thing about a crossfit WOD is you're constantly moving and putting a lot of strain on the contact between your feet and the floor—different angles, different stressors, different contact points (ball, heel, etc.). That means a lot of strain on your shoe, and you really need something that will hold up to the wear and tear, ESPECIALLY if you're being serious about your crossfit workouts.

So don't rush, do your research, and look for the very best shoes for crossfit for your workout. Hopefully you won't make the same mistake I did.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Truth About Fat Burning Foods Review- Fat Loss By Nick Pineault

This is a review of The Truth About Fat Burning Foods.

If you would like to visit the main website instead, click here.

The Truth About Fat Burning Foods by Nick Pineault is a set of PDF books that challenges the normal perspective of diet foods. 

Specifically, the books are geared towards losing weight using natural, organic foods that aren't filled with a lot of added chemicals and dangerous growth hormones.

There are a total of 7 books in the Fat Burning Foods set, each one specifically tailored towards a different type of food. They are:

-Protein, Fat, & Carbs

-Condiments, Snacks, & Seasonings


-Your Grocery Cart



-4 Step Diet Makeover

As you can tell just by looking at the titles of the books, this product really covers the entire range of options when it comes to eating healthy and losing weight. Those are all topics that we've worried about when trying to lose weight, and I know I've personally struggled with more than one of them.

So does the Truth About Fat Burning Foods do what it's supposed to do? Will it really help you shed pounds and create a physique you can be proud of? Or is it just another diet fad? Let's take a look.


The Truth About Fat Burning Foods Review- Just Another Diet Fad?

On the surface, the idea is pretty simple—watch what you eat and stick to healthy foods. But we all know that, and it's much easier said than done. Is that what Fat Burning Foods is all about?


The author of the book, Nick Pineault, is a nutrition scientist who has spent the better part of seven years looking at what makes us healthy and what makes us fat. Some of his findings are pretty surprising.

The truth is, most people are poisoning their bodies without realizing it.

For example, a typical "healthy" breakfast of orange juice, wheat bread, and margarine is NOT helping you lose weight!!

Why? Well, oranges themselves are very healthy, but when you take out all the fibers and pulp you're left with a fraction of the nutritional value. On top of that, even the brands of orange juice that claim to be extra healthy have most likely been sitting around for months.

Think about it—oranges don't grow all year round. Yet you can still get a carton of orange juice even in the middle of December. Why? When orange juice is made, it's vacuum sealed in enormous vats so that it stays "fresh." 

Once the orange growing season is finished, the company turns to its vacuum sealed stockpile to satisfy the year-round demand. What you're drinking isn't fresh, and in most cases has been treated with chemicals to make it last longer and taste better.

And then there's the wheat bread—wheat bread is healthier than white bread, there's no denying that. It's less processed, less refined, and filled with more macronutrients. But often, that's just surface appearances. Some brands don't do anything more than enrich white bread—they refine it all down, and then add more things to make it seem "healthier."

The Truth About Fat Burning Foods Review—What Do I Think?

The Truth About Fat Burning Foods is PACKED with information like this. It busts down the myths of health foods and rebuilds the facts to give you only the correct information about what you should be eating.

I wholly recommend this book, and if you're trying to lose weight, this is exactly what you need. Most people poison their bodies every day and don't even realize it. It's a scary thought, but it's true.

If you absolutely need to lose weight, FAST, you need to switch up your diet and use the Truth About Fat Burning Foods.


Monday, October 7, 2013

What Material Makes The Best Yoga Floor For Yoga Studios?

I've talked in the past about yoga and how a brief yoga routine is incredible for flexibility and muscle definition. Even if you're pumping hard iron, yoga gives your muscles the chance to move in positions you wouldn't normally get on a weight bench, which is a crucial step in recovery. And did I mention that it increases flexibility? Yoga offers incredibly variable exercises for athletes who need more than sheer muscle mass to perform.

But like I said, I've talked up the benefits of yoga plenty of times in the past, so this time I want to talk about material to use on a yoga floor. Despite what most people think, not just any material will do. Obviously hard, abrazive surfaces like concrete aren't ideal, but carpet and hardwood flooring can be just as bad. Ideally you want something soft, like foam matting, but which won't hold moisture (or odors).

Personally, I've seen a lot of yoga studios start to use PVC yoga flooring. Yep, PVC like pipes, but manufactured as a PVC foam, which gives it two important properties: It's soft (like a typical yoga mat) and it's non-toxic even at high temperatures (perfect for hot yoga studios). See, a lot of foam starts leaching chemicals once it passes a certain temperature threshhold, but PEM flooring is safe even up to 120 F, which makes it the perfect yoga floor for yoga studios.

 What yoga exercises have you been doing to increase flexibility? Let me know in the comments!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Motivational Pic Of The Day- Wake Up Warm Up

Try this quick blood pumping workout next time you wake up. It's even better than coffee! All you need is five minutes for this workout.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Motivational Pic Of The Day- Dream Big

Dream Big, Dare to Fail

Think about it. Reach for something that you don't think you'll be able to accomplish. You might be surprised at what you can do if you put your mind to it.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

World's Hardest Exercises- Review For Everyone

This is such a great book. 

The World's Hardest Exercises is exactly what the title says it is: simply some of the hardest exercises in the world.

It's perfect for anyone who's hardcore about their workouts (like me). With that in mind, it's probably not the best workout routine for you if you're just starting out. There's nothing worse than overtraining before you're ready to ramp up the difficulty, and take it from me--if you watch something really cool, you're going to want to do it. At least that's the way I am. Like when I watch videos of Buddy Lee jump roping, and then I get all tangled up in the back yard thirty minutes later.

The World's Hardest Exercises isn't the longest book in the world, but honestly I prefer that in a workout program. I don't really care about the author's life story (in most cases; Tim Ferriss pulls that off pretty well), and what I really want is to just get right down to the workouts. If that's how you are, you'll be pretty comfortable with Hardest Exercises.

Check it out for more information.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

5 Videos To Improve Your Double-Unders

Double-unders are a staple of CrossFit, but they can also be one of the most frustrating exercises in a routine. At some point in time, we've all had trouble getting the technique down for consistent double-unders—and it's the "consistent" that really matters. A jerky, stop-and-start jumble of 50 reps will never match the streamlined effectiveness of 50 perfect reps. So if you've been having trouble nailing that double-under technique, here are five videos CrossFit videos that might help.

Jump Rope and Double-Under Basics

Before you jump into double-unders, make sure your regular jump rope technique is where it should be. MLS's easy six minute video shows you how to focus on keeping your core tight and your back straight so that all your jump energy is focused in the right places.

Key Points:

-Palms and thumbs face the floor
-Shoulders pressed forward, not backward

Double-Under Intro

Buddy Lee is one of the best "jump rope technicians" in the business. His intro to double-unders is the perfect starting point for wrapping your head around both the technique and the mindset.

Key Points:

-Power jumps for height (jump, jump, jump, EXPLODE)
-Body positioning

Chris Spealler- Double-Unders Explained

This quick two minute video jumps right into the most common problem with double-unders: Swinging with your arms instead of your wrists. It also touches on some balance issues.

Key Points:

-Use your wrists to swing the rope
-Focus on one point in front of you for better balance

Mastering Double-Unders

Technique is one thing, but this video covers some of the finer points that most people skip over. For example, how long the rope should be. Also, jump to 1:50 for a great lesson in getting enough height for that double-under pass, using Buddy Lee's "Jump, jump, jump, EXPLODE" technique.

Kep Points:

-How to choose a rope
-Arm positioning
-Transitioning from the single pass to the double-under


Ready to take it up a notch? Triple-unders are the next progression from double-unders, and here's best part—once you have the right technique (explained in the videos above), it just comes down to a more explosive jump to add more rope passes. Don't try these until you're ready!

Key Points:

-Higher jump
-Faster wrist speed
-Don't sacrifice body mechanics just to get the rope around faster

In the end, the best way to improve your double-unders is to perfect the single jump first. From a single-under to a double-under, your wrist movements and body positioning will not change, so it's vital to get those down before moving to a harder progression.

Get more great exercises for athletes

Monday, September 16, 2013

Motivational Pic Of The Day: 8 Minute Morning Workout

Feeling tired in the morning? Sluggish? Slamming that alarm clock in a murderous rage? Try this quick pick-me-up workout to start your day. Mostly aerobics to help get your blood flowing.

8 Minute Morning Workout

-50 jumping jacks
-10 pushups
-20 situps
-20 bicycles
-20 mountain climbers
-30 second plank

Go through 3 cycles

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Motivational Pic Of The Day: Macklemore 1 Song Workout

Try out this Macklemore one song workout with "Can't Hold Us."

Friday, August 23, 2013

Surfing, The Radical Alternative Workout

I think I just realized an all encompassing truth about life—it's impossible to be out of shape and be a surfer at the same time. Most athletes and people who participate in sports work out on the side to help improve their game performance, but very few people look at it from the opposite viewpoint: Why not play a sport as a form of exercise? Get some surf training and go for it. I mean, look at this guy: 

That's Andy Iron, a pro surfer. Now go look at any other surfer. I guarantee they're going to look just as healthy and ripped.

The biggest problem most people face with sticking to a workout plan is that, well, it can be boring. The point where you have to force yourself into the gym against your will is usually the point that you start thinking about giving up on your workout routine.

So here's a suggestion: Try making your workouts more fun. I lived in Costa Rica for a few years and my favorite thing to do was go surfing on the weekends. I never really thought about it as a workout, but at the end of the day I was just as sore as if I had spent the afternoon slamming kettlebells. And I eventually realized that I was working out. I was just having so much fun I didn't realize it.

And if you think that surfing is too hard, keep in mind that it only takes most people a single day to get the hang of it. It's even easier if you use a surf training program like Surf Coaches.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Health Benefits of Coffee

Throughout history, coffee has been alternatively glorified and vilified. Actually, that's not entirely true—most of our history has held up coffee as an important beverage. It was only once certain health fads started taking hold in the past few decades that coffee was seen as something that could be dangerous, and we began asking the question, is coffee healthy?

Why has coffee recently been called unhealthy? It helps to look at the environment of some of the studies that were done around that time. According to the Mayo clinic, most of the coffee drinkers that were surveyed didn't just drink coffee—they also smoked, and led inactive lifestyles. What studies now are showing is that it was the smoking that contributed most to heart problems—not the coffee.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Coffee?

These days, we have more stringent controls on health studies, and we're slowly finding that coffee has some pretty incredible health benefits. One study found that coffee is effective against Parkinson's disease, and even against some forms of liver cancer.

Coffee is packed with a dense mixture of antioxidants and alkaloids that go above and beyond simple caffeine (although the caffeine itself is healthier than you might think).

And of course, coffee always has a place in my kitchen because of that oldest reason of all: Alertness and improved mental and physical function.

So, is coffee healthy? The studies declare an overwhelming YES, but just remember: everything in moderation.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

4 Health Areas In Which Protein Shakes Benefit The Most

The most popular form of supplement used these days by bodybuilders and other athletes that require muscular strength is protein shakes. They are considered the best primarily because they help in increasing muscle mass; therefore, they are the preferred choice of bodybuilders.

If the benefits of protein shake be classified in major categories, then four categories surface that represent the health benefits one can attain by using the best protein shakes and powder. The lines below give the four different areas in which protein shakes help the health.

1. Antioxidants Supply:

The first domain in which protein shakes help the body is in antioxidants supply. The body requires antioxidants to help it fight the effects of free radicals that are produced by the body and which actually harm the health of the body. If the body has sufficient amount of antioxidants, then these fight the negative effects created by free radicals by neutralizing them. Therefore, as a result of consumption of protein shakes, the antioxidant supply to the body increases thus bettering the overall health of the body.

2. Maintaining and Building Muscle Mass:

The other health category in which protein shakes benefit a person is pertaining to maintaining and building of muscle mass. The reason why an ordinary person in general or an athlete in particular requires muscle mass is to prevent the occurrence of injury of any kind. Therefore, it is imperative that in any case the muscle mass is maintained if not kept on building on regular basis. The reason why protein shakes are recommended or the best option in this regard is because they offer the purest form of different proteins causing the muscles to receive instant supply of protein to keep the muscle building process going and thus the body maintains its muscle mass and stays healthy.

3. Suppressing Cortisol:

The most dangerous single hormone linked to a variety of health problems is cortisol. This hormone causes high blood pressure, anxiety, obesity and diabetes; therefore, for better health it is imperative that the production of this very hormone be limited to a certain level. In this regard, protein shakes come in very handy, as they help suppress the secretion of this hormone. This hormone is released when a person is under stress or some fatigued situation. Thus, it is imperative that the athletes who undergo training daily consume protein shakes to suppress the amount of production of this hormone for better health condition.

4. Weight Control:

The other benefit of protein shakes with which most of the people are not familiar is their help in weight control. The reason why protein shakes can help in controlling weight is because of their appetite suppressing property. Proteins serve as appetite suppressants, thus as a result of consumption of shakes you feel fuller for longer, thus preventing excessive eating or overeating during the next meal. Therefore, if you wish to stay slim yet healthy then you need to consume protein shakes and preferably replace your meal with protein shakes for better results.

Bottom Line:

In short, although protein shakes help in general betterment of health; however, if you know the major health areas in which they benefit, then it becomes easy to consider the use of protein shakes.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Why Amazon Is The Best Place To Find Workout Supplements

The search for a great workout supplement is, in my opinion, a never ending challenge. Not only is there a huge variety of supplements out there to choose from, but there are more hitting the market every day!

In my search lately, I've been turning to Amazon. They're not a company that specializes in workout supplements, sure, but I've found that they're one of the most reliable sources. When I say reliable, I mean in terms of supplement quality—I could tell you horror stories of the supplements I've bought from third party sites—even the supposedly reputable ones!

One Amazon supplier I've been using recently for my creatine and cleansing supplements is Beyond Genetics Supplements. Their customer service is top notch, shipping is quick, but in the end my decision really comes from one thing—reliability. I've ordered from them several times and I've always gotten the exact same level of quality as the time before.

To sum up, if you're looking for a new place to get a workout supplement—maybe you haven't had results with another brand, maybe your normal source just doesn't seem to pack the same punch it used to, whatever it may be—check out Beyond Genetics on Amazon. They're pretty sweet.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Workout On YOUR Schedule With A Pay As You Go Gym

Let's talk about commitment.

My favorite kind of commitment is the kind I can avoid. I hate those two year contracts on cell phones; I try to pay with cash whenever possible to wiggle out of credit card bills; I cross the street when I see someone up ahead handing out flyers, that kind of thing. And one thing that's extra high on my list of "things to avoid at all times" is gym memberships.

Let me be a little more clear about that: I love gyms. I love the versatility you get with a facility filled with equipment that's there for the sole purpose of improving your body. What I hate is paying for a year in advance when I have no earthly clue if I'll be in the same area by this time next year. There are cheap gyms, sure, but most of them still have a contract.

Well it turns out I'm an idiot, because apparently there are gyms without a membership that let you pay as you go. There aren't a lot, but I personally think this concept is the best thing to happen to personal fitness since deodorant. In a pay as you go gym, you only pay for the time you're using the gym. If you can't make it for a week, you don't pay for that week.

So if you're like me and want to find a cheap gym that won't lock you down, check out something like the fantastic Kiss Gyms, in Milton Keynes. The price is right, they don't make you sign a contract, and they're open 24 hours a day. In my opinion, that's the perfect trifecta.

It's your body and your fitness goal—why should anyone else have control over it?

The Six Week Shred—Build Muscle and Lose Weight

What's the hardest part about sticking with a workout routine? Is it the hours and hours you have to put in before you see results? Is it the strict diet that cuts out every single one of your favorite foods? Is it just a pure, straightforward lack of motivation to keep going? For a lot of us (me included), it's all of the above.

I don't like saying that I like my hand being held through a workout program, but dang it, sometimes that's EXACTLY what I need, and that's what you get in the Six Week Shred workout challenge. This program comes with daily instructional videos that keep you mentally focused on pushing through and sticking to your workout goals. It's the next best thing to having a fitness coach coming to your home. And come on, it's FREE.

But that's not even my favorite thing about the Six Week Shred. My favorite part has to be the level of detail it gives for selecting a workout that's tailored specifically for you. It'll show you how to pick your weights, how to time your sets for maximum muscle gain, and how to plan your meals around the intensity level of the workout you're doing—so your body ALWAYS gets exactly what it needs. Whether your goal is to lose weight or build some extra muscle, you're going to end up shredded.

Take a look here for more information about the Six Week Shred. (That's not an affiliate link. The program's completely free guys.)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Yoga Sequence For Runners- Strength And Flexibility

Check out this awesome yoga routine for runners. Yoga is perfect for runners because it promotes flexibility, muscle definition, blood circulation, and it stretches out those muscles before or after a hard run. We've talked about how yoga exercises are great for athletes, so check out the link for the whole skinny. And save and share this awesome image below from PopSugar.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Easing Into A Beginners Exercise Routine

From what I have seen, beginners always have the hardest time trying to get into a routine. Not only do they not know what they're doing, but it's hard to keep focus and to stick in it for the long hall. This is why the below workout is only going to take less than 8 minutes to complete. You'll end up feeling great after and, better yet, healthier.

Alright, for this beginners exercise routine, you will need an interval timer.

Set your timer to 8 rounds of 30 seconds work and 10 seconds rest. Your goal is to do as many reps as possible in those 30 seconds. One round is considered one exercise. So your routine will look something like this:

30 seconds of Jumping jacks.
10 seconds rest.
30 seconds of Push ups
10 seconds rest.
30 seconds of Bicycle Crunches
10 seconds rest.
30 seconds of Tricep Dip
10 seconds rest.

By now you've completed 4 rounds, so repeat the above one more time to complete 8 rounds. Andddd you're done! You can do this twice a day and you can switch up/replace the four exercises however you please.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Beating Your Personal Best In Interval Training

Hey everyone, thanks for dropping on by today. So we've got a real simple exercise routine to help boost your metabolism and just get yourself healthy and fit. We want it to be real easy to follow through, so it's only going to take less than 8 minutes to complete and you're going to feel great after.

First of all, we need you to have an interval timer

Set your timer for 8 rounds of 30 seconds work and 10 seconds rest. Within those 30 seconds, you want to do as many reps as possible, take a short break, and then move on to the next exercise. One round is one exercise. This means that since there are four exercises below, you'll be repeating all four exercises twice to complete a total of 8 rounds.

All you have to do is:

Push Up
Mountain Climbers
Dumbbell Triceps Extension

Remember to record your score, so you can try and beat your personal best the next week.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Simple And Effective Home Exercise for Men - Rock Hard Muscle

Guys, we have a really effective workout routine for you today. It works the entire body and it's only 12 minutes long. You might be thinking you won't be able to get a good workout in 12 minutes, but believe me when I tell you that the moment you get on the ground to try these out, you'll be winded.

First you need an interval timer. Get  free online interval timer here.

Set your timer for 12 rounds of 50 seconds work and 10 seconds rest. For those who are unfamiliar, you're suppose to do as many reps as possible within those 50 seconds and then you take a really short break before moving on to the next exercise. 12 rounds means 12 exercises.

 This means that when you see four exercises, you are suppose to repeat them three times to complete the 12 rounds. Makes sense? Good. Remember to record how well you did so that the next week you can try and beat your personal best.

Our exercise routine for men works like this:

Day 1

Push Ups
Dumbbell Chest Press
Dumbbell Bent Over Row
Dumbbell Triceps Extension

Day 2

Calf Raises
Side Lunges

12 minutes each day is all you need to stay in shape and to be fit. Good luck!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

12 Minute Cardio Exercise Routine

We will using the Tabata system. What that means is that you'll need a interval timer. You can get a free online Tabata timer here.

The way it works is that you set your timer for 12 rounds of 50 seconds work and 10 seconds rest. The goal is to work as hard/do as many reps as possible within those 50 seconds. Once done, take a quick rest, and then start in on the next exercise. One round is one exercise. Below we will have four exercises for you to complete. This means that after you finished all four exercises, you will repeat it two more times to complete a total of 12 rounds.And these are also great exercises for athletes.

Jump Rope
Mountain Climbers
Jumping Jacks

This should be a killer cardio exercise routine is so short that you can add it on top of your own exercises or use it just as a stand alone.

And if you're trying to lose weight, try the Fat Loss Factor program.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Great Cardio Exercise Routines For Women

Looking for a couple of different cardio exercise routines for women that might keep you interested and excited all the way through? Below are some ideas to give yourself a little more of a challenge and to get a good workout going.

Run for 15 minutes and try to do 10 pull ups. Don't worry if you can't do a pull up now, just try and know that in time, you'll get there. Practice makes perfect. After a pull ups, run for another 15 minutes.

Set your timer for 20 minutes. Do 50 jumping jacks and then 50 jump rope skips. This counts as one set, do as many sets as possible in 20 minutes.

Jump over and under a line for 5 minutes, then jump over the line from side to side for 5 minutes, then try one foot for 5 minutes and then the other.

You can do any one of these routines six times a week or even boost it to twice a day for a great cardio workout.And remember...

Sunday, February 17, 2013

High-Intensity Interval Training (Cycling Part 2)

For the following HIIT session I would recommend getting a tachometer for your cycle. It is the unit of measurement I use to gauge intensity. Check out the previous post on high intensity interval training with cycling.

For a different more endurance based kind of cycling try this one on for size. Bike for five minutes with no resistance or steepness to warm up do this in the 30-50 RPM range. To get the heart rate up a little bit. 

Then, cycle as hard as you can with maximum resistance you can handle with >50 RPMs for one minute. Proceed on by coasting for one minute. This is the part that really turns it into a fat burning HIIT workout. 

Next, repeat the maximum intensity set for one minute. Keep a RPM of >70 RPMs for 3 minutes. Keep doing this for 18-30 minutes, or 3-5 repetitions with a five minute period of light activity at the end.

A fun tip if this is too easy for you would be to wear ankle weights, just kidding. Try increasing the time for endurance or resistance/steepness where it was/not applied. If this is too difficult go with lower RPMs.High intensity interval training is really all about getting that max push out on the intensity sets.

Enjoy and feel free to gauge as you need.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

High-Intensity Interval Training (Cycling)

For the following HIIT session I would recommend getting a tachometer for your cycle. It is the unit of measurement I use to gauge intensity. High intensity interval training is a great way to build up core resistance and muscle stamina.

Firstly, start off with a 3-minute warmup period of medium-intensity with minimal incline or resistance, either of those can turn into a low/intense warm-up period. Do this at roughly 50-75 RPM. 

After the three minutes to get our heart rate going increase the resistance and steepness while keeping the RPMs above 75 for thirty seconds. Take a ten second cooldown period at <50 RPMs. Repeat the >75 RPM and pedal until you can no longer keep it above 75 RPMs. Rest for two minutes with a slow resistance/steepness free pedal period. 

Repeat these steps for a total of fifteen minutes, if your lower body is not burning you should probably go to the doctor because you may be superman/woman, or simply inhuman. If this is not enough of a challenge and you are ready for the Tour De France, try increasing the resistance, steepness and RPMs. I would not recommend doing this for more than 15 minutes because you may not be able to walk for the next two days.

Enjoy and feel free to gauge as you need.

Friday, February 15, 2013

An Effective Core Exercise Routine

Today, I have designed a real effective core exercise routine to keep your abs strong. Keep in mind that when you work core, you are naturally working other parts of your body and boosting their strength too.

So let's start, you'll need a interval timer. You can get a free online tabata timer here.

Set your timer for 12 rounds of 50 seconds work and 10 seconds rest. For those who are unfamiliar with the Tabata system, you goal is to basically do as many reps as possible within 50 seconds. One round is considered one complete exercise. 

Below there are four exercises that you'll need to follow through. Once done with these four, you'll need to repeat it two more times to complete the full 12 rounds. This routine will take you 12 minutes to finish.

Mountain Climbers

Flutter Kick


Ab Crunch

And you're done! Just remember...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Fast Exercise Routine For Weight Loss

Our exercise routine for weight loss is fast and easy, but most importantly, it's effective. The worst part of trying to get into a routine is to stick to it. 

It takes the brain 30 days for it to get used to a pattern and with that, we see a lot of avid weight loss fighters lose interest mid-way through. 

As we all know, consistency is important for exercise and weight loss, so in this article we're going to focus and keep you focused on keeping this workout pattern.

Although this has nothing to do with exercise, diet does help. I don't believe in dieting, I believe in good food practices. Using the same 30 day principle, it's easier to start a habit than to completely stop a bad habit. What you want to do is replace the bad food habit with a good food habit and keep at it for the next 30 days. 

Used to eating a bag of Cheetos at the end of the day or after a meal? Eat strawberries or an apple instead. Start small, increase it slowly, and you'll find yourself being a completely new and happier person because of it.

For our easy workout for the next 30 days. I want you to go run for 5 minutes, six times a day. Sometimes you're living in a country with poor weather conditions and can't go out for a run. That's okay, grab a skip rope and jump for 5 minutes. 

Don't own a skip rope? Jumping jacks. No excuses. Remind yourself, it's only 5 minutes. 

You can do it. 

Aim for half a mile to a mile in 5-8 minutes or 500-1000 skips or jumping jacks in 5-8 minutes. Believe me, all that cardio isn't going to waste, once your 30 day routine is up, check out the rest of the website for some muscle building ideas

Just remember...

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Quick And Easy Weight Loss Exercise Routine

Thinking about a weight loss exercise routine can sound grueling and unexciting. What I see most with people trying to lose weight is that they lose focus of their end goal and stop being consistent about their exercise. Let me share with you a helpful tip. It takes the brain and body 30 days to get used to a routine or pattern. 30 days can seem like a long time away for you to get used to something, but if you take it day by day, you'll get there and you're going to feel really proud and great about yourself.

The exercise routine is simple. I want you to do 5-8 minutes a day, six days a week, of exercise for 30 days. That's not too bad, right? Don't worry, you'll still see results at the end of the 30 days.

Starting today, do as many jumping jacks as you can in 5 minutes. Your goal is to get up to 500 to 1,000 jumping jacks within 5-8 minutes by the end of the month. If you find that you've already passed this goal, then try it with the skip rope. That's all you need to do. If you're feeling great and able to pass the goal easily, then do it twice a day. The point is to get you into the pattern, so that when you get to the real changeling stuff, you DON'T lose interest and sabotage yourself. After the 30 days are up, check out the website for more workout ideas to get the blood flowing in interesting ways and to gain some muscle. 

And remember...