Monday, October 29, 2012

Beginner Workout Plans: Starter Tips Part 2

Tip: Choose the right workout program

Picking a workout plan that suits your unique body type is one of the most crucial elements of getting started in bodybuilding. Surprisingly, a lot of people struggle right off the bat because of the simple mistake of not going with a workout routine that fits their musculature.

Now, if you're really skinny you definitely need to choose between workout plans that help you add bulk. That goes without saying. The same thing is true for overweight guys – you need to pick something that has a strong emphasis on slimming and losing weight.

But what about those people who are sort of skinny but have some fat on them too? If you have more than 18% body fat, my recommendation is to go with a weight loss program before trying to bulk up.

You'll benefit most from a mass building workout routine if your body fat percentage is right around 10-15. You can either measure your body fat at home using instruments that you can buy online, at your gym, or at your doctor, but always take care of this step before going further with your workout routine.

And take a look at the rest of our exercises for athletes and the Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer review.


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