Thursday, October 11, 2012

The 7 Day ELITE Daily Exercise Routine- Thursday Day 4

  Day 4 – Thursday's daily exercise routine

Due to popular request, many people have been asking for a daily exercise routine. Our routine goes as follows:

Monday: Lower Body
Tuesday: Upper Body
Wednesday: Core and Cardio
Thursday: Lower Body
Friday: Upper Body
Saturday: Core and Cardio
Sunday: Active Rest

We're doing lower body for today's daily exercise routine. I hope you're ready. This exercise is going to be 12 minutes and again uses the Tabata system. Be sure to have your timers out and ready for this one. Also keep a notepad close by to record your reps as you go. Set your timer for 12 rounds of 50 seconds work and 10 seconds rest. Do each exercise three times.

Thursday: Lower Body

Wide Squat 

Lunge Tap left leg 

Lunge Tap right leg 

Fire Hydrant 

Those lunge taps are harrrrrddd! I know, but keep pushing it. Remember, you're doing this to stay fit, be healthy, and look absolutely banging by the end of the day. In the next couple of months when you look back at your score and see how much you've progressed, you're going to feel great and that's not even mentioning how amazing you'll look. Keep at it and be strong. It's only 12 minutes.


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