Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Beginner Workout Plans: Starter Tips Part 4

Tip: Track your progress

Believe it or not, I do a lot of work with SEO for a few companies, and one thing I'm always trying to get through to them is that if you want a measure of your success, you have to track your progress.

Bodybuilding and weight lifting is no different. Think back exactly 47 days from now and try to remember how you looked and felt. You can't can you? That's because human memory, as amazing as it is, really just kind of sucks.

Tracking your progress will let you figure out exactly how much weight you're gaining, how that translates to bodyfat percent, and what workout plans got you to that point.

At the very least, try to get into the habit of doing the following things:

-Weigh yourself every two weeks
-Every month, take a progress photo with a front and side view
-Use spreadsheets or graphing paper to keep track of your workouts
-Keep a separate journal about your mood, energy levels, and thoughts on the workout plans you're using

These habits are simple enough, but they are also very hard to remember. Do yourself a favor and make them a part of your routine.


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