Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The 7 Day ELITE Daily Exercise Routine- Tuesday Day 2

Day 2 – Tuesday's daily exercise routine

Due to popular request, many people have been asking for a daily exercise routine. Our routine goes as follows:

Monday: Lower Body
Tuesday: Upper Body
Wednesday: Core and Cardio
Thursday: Lower Body
Friday: Upper Body
Saturday: Core and Cardio
Sunday: Active Rest

In today's daily exercise routine we will be working upper body. We are using the Tabata system, so be sure to have your timer ready for action. 

The way our Tabata system works is that you set your timer for 50 seconds work and 10 seconds rest. You do as many reps as possible within those 50 seconds before switching to another exercise. Each exercise is considered 1 round. Today we'll be working with 12 rounds, which means it will take 12 minutes to complete four different exercises, three times through.

Tuesday - Upper Body

Push Ups 

Dumbbell Chest Press 

Dumbbell Bent Over Row 

Dumbbell Triceps Extension 

Remember to record your reps, so that you can use it next week to beat your personal best. In the beginning use a light weight, so you can gauge how much weight you should use for next week based on how you feel the next day.


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