Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The 7 Day ELITE Daily Exercise Routine- Wednesday Day 3

 Day 3 – Wednesday's daily exercise routine

Due to popular request, many people have been asking for a daily exercise routine. Our routine goes as follows:

Monday: Lower Body
Tuesday: Upper Body
Wednesday: Core and Cardio
Thursday: Lower Body
Friday: Upper Body
Saturday: Core and Cardio
Sunday: Active Rest

I hope you're as excited as I am about today's daily exercise routine.

Wednesday: Core and Cardio

Set your timer for 10 minutes. Jump back and forth 50 times and then do 50 jumping jacks. That counts as one set. Do as many sets as possible within 10 minutes. It helps to have a line on your floor that you can jump over and back to help you get even jump lengths.

After those 10 minutes are up, now it's time for your core workout. Set your tabata timer for three rounds of 50 seconds work and 10 seconds rest. You're going to do one exercise today, Mountain climbers, three times. 

You should be in a pool of sweat by the time you're through. Not bad for it only being 13 minutes long. Now get out there and enjoy the rest of your day. You can also come back in the evening to do this exercise again as there's no limit to how many times you can do this routine.


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