Friday, November 2, 2012

Beginner Workout Plans: Starter Tips Part 6

Tip: Supplements- Protein powder

Supplements are always going to be one of the main things bodybuilders want to know about. What should I take? How often should I take it? What will increase my testosterone? Reduce my recovery times? Make me stronger, better, and faster?

I don't like to recommend supplements, but there are three that I think are actually necessary. Just about everything else is up to your own discretion, and there are plenty of websites to look at for information.

One of these supplements is protein powder. Even beginners should find a good quality protein powder to supplement their meals with. This makes it easier to whip up a quick after workout protein shake to send nutrients to your muscles when they need it most.

You're going to be going through a hell of a lot of protein, and sometimes it's easier to just drink it down than find the 100th way to prepare chicken breast. And remember, protein is protein. Don't go for the most expensive product on the market, because it won't work any better than the Wal-Mart brand.


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