Monday, November 12, 2012

How Much Protein to Consume

The amount of protein you should consume all depends on if you are trying to lose weight or be a body builder. Typically most Americans consume much more protein that they need which also increases calorie intake as a direct result. Protein is the most vital of the 3 caloric macronutrients(carbohydrates, fat & protein). 

There is a much wider range of acceptable protein intakes than there is of carbohydrates and fats, when it comes to dieting/bodybuilding. If your body does not get a sufficient amount of protein then your body will begin to take it from your muscles, thus reducing muscle mass, thus reducing your metabolism. If bodybuilding you should consume roughly one gram of protein per pound that you weigh. 

A standard 2000 calorie diet of a person that is about 150 pounds would require about a third of that persons body weight. If you are trying to increase your muscle mass to boost your metabolism this would be better served with rigorous exercise every other day or every third day. Consume roughly half to three-quarters of your body weight in grams of protein a day. 

In order to maximize your muscle mass gains you should consume the grand majority of protein before and after a workout. A tuna sandwich using a can of tuna in water would have relatively low calories with about 20-30 grams of protein per sandwich. Whey protein is good alternative to gain a large amount of protein. That is how America does it!


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