Thursday, November 1, 2012

Beginner Workout Plans: Starter Tips Part 5

Tip: Have your goal in mind

If you want to hit a target, you need to know what that target is, right? Well, believe it or not there are a lot of people who start bodybuilding with no real target in mind. Their goal might be "look better."

But a goal like that doesn't really specify anything. It doesn't give them an actual target to aim for, and as you might guess they wind up way off the mark as a result.

In the previous beginner workout tip (linked below), we talked about tracking our progress. However, tracking won't take you anywhere unless you know where it should be leading. You need a goal set firmly in your mind which you want and need to achieve.

This is the kind of talk you hear all the time in weight loss programs. "I want to lose 17 lbs. in a month," etc. Well, those specific numbers actually work. If you want to lose weight, give yourself a weight loss goal and a timeframe. If you want to gain weight, do the same thing.


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