Thursday, November 29, 2012

Push Up Variations – The Ultimate Upper Body Workout

We've talked several times about the benefits of push ups on this blog, so I want to talk about a few awesome push up variations – these are great ways to get a great upper body workout across your shoulders, biceps, and upper back.

Spiderman Pushups

If you want to get your core into the workout, you can try the Spiderman pushup variation. Get into the regular push up position, and as you lower your body, bring your right knee forward towards your right elbow. On the way up, bring your leg back, and then repeat the motion with your left leg. This brings a new element to the pushup that really crunches your abs for a smooth, toned six pack.

Diamond Pushups

If you feel like your shoulders aren't getting enough from a regular pushup, try a diamond pushup by forming a diamond with your thumbs and index fingers on the ground. This forces your body to work harder for balance, which brings your shoulders, back, and ab muscles into the equation.

These push up exercises are just a few ways you can really get the most out of your bodyweight workouts.


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