Tip: Mountains and
A lot of professionals in
the fitness industry don't talk about this, but it's a huge part of
the psychological game. You've heard that weight lifting is 20%
physical and 80% mental I'm sure, and it's certainly true.
There are going to be good
days in your workout plans; there are also going to be bad days.
These mountains and valleys can be extremely stressful.
Listen: Everybody goes
through these periods. There's no way you can completely stop them
from happening, but what you can do is learn to recognize when you're
in a valley and just realize that it's not going to be that way at
Get over it, and then forget
about it. If you keep thinking back to that negative slump, you're
going to end up hitting it again, faster and sooner each time.
Just continue pushing
towards your goals and, above all, stay positive.
Don't miss Beginner Workout Plans: Tip 8
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